Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
Taught by author best-selling Six Sigma Handbook. Our Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training online provides an overview of the principles and methods of Lean Six Sigma deployment and includes:
- Twelve months access to Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training online materials including training slides, study guide, certification exam and additional Knowledge Center references.
- Personal copy of Six Sigma Demystified and Six Sigma Handbook written by course author and facilitator Paul Keller.
- Green Belt XL software (Twelve month Student Version)
- Upon successful course completion: Electronic certificate indicating either Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification without Projects or (if two acceptable projects submitted) Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification with Projects.
Includes 16 Lessons, plus 17 videos, approximately 80 hours of online Instruction (8 CEU). See Course Objectives (below).
Each lesson includes:
- Reading Assignment using the supplied textbook.
- Detailed slides with Notes.
- Interactive Exercises.
- Study Guide Questions to test your knowledge.
- Online Glossary and References for further information.
Why not learn these skills from a leading author and subject matter expert, who's helped thousands of students like you achieve certification? Contact us to learn more!
By completing this course, students will be able to:
- Recognize key attributes of a successful Six Sigma deployment strategy.
- Appreciate project selection criteria.
- Realize the role of a Green Belt in the Six Sigma organization.
- Understand fundamentals of the DMAIC problem solving methodology.
- Use basic Six Sigma tools for Six Sigma project definition and process baseline.
- Understand the need for advanced problem-solving and improvement methodologies used by Project Teams when supported by Six Sigma Black Belts.
- Actively participate in a Six Sigma team.
Prerequisites: Students should have a general understanding of business functions, the reading comprehension level of a high school graduate, and general proficiency using internet browsers and Windows-based computer software including MS Office.
- Introduction to Six Sigma
- Definition of Six Sigma & its relation to Cost and Efficiency.
- Popularity and Application of Six Sigma
- Comparisons between typical TQM and Six Sigma Programs.
- Quiz
- How to Deploy Six Sigma
- Leadership responsibilities
- Resource allocation
- Data driven decision making
- Organizational metrics and dashboards
- Quiz
- Six Sigma Projects
- Project Focus
- Is it a Six Sigma Project?
- Customer Focused Projects
- Video: Customer Focus Overview
- Selecting Projects
- Video: Project Selection Using PM
- Video: Consensus Criteria Method
- Estimating Project Benefits
- Overview of DMAIC methodology
- Project Reporting
- Quiz
- Project Focus
- DEFINE Stage Tools & Objectives
- Define Stage Objectives
- Project Charter: Use and Development
- Work Breakdown Structure.
- Pareto Diagrams.
- Process Maps.
- Matrix Diagrams
- Quiz
- DEFINE: Metrics & Deliverables
- Critical to Quality (CTQ) Metrics
- Throughput Yield (and comparison to traditional yield)
- Rolled Throughput Yield
- Video: Rolled Throughput Yield Calculations
- Normalized Yield
- DPMO: Use and Misuse
- Sigma Level
- Video: DPMO & Sigma Level Calculations
- Critical to Schedule (CTS) Metrics
- Cycle Time
- Process Cycle Efficiency
- Process Velocity
- Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
- Relation of CTQ and CTS Metrics to Critical to Cost (CTC) Metrics
- Quiz
- Critical to Quality (CTQ) Metrics
- DEFINE: Project Scheduling
- Scheduling Project Activities & Events
- Gantt Chart
- Critical Path Analysis / Activity Network Diagram.
- PERT Analysis
- Quiz
- DEFINE: Change Management and Six Sigma Teams
- Problems with Change
- Achieving Buy-In
- Team Formation, Rules & Responsibilities
- Stages of Team Development
- Overcoming Problems
- Consensus Building
- Affinity Diagram
- Nominal Group Technique
- Prioritization Matrix
- Quiz
- Measure Stage Tools and Objectives
- Measure Stage Objectives
- Process Definition (Flowcharts, Process Maps, SIPOC)
- Metric Definition
- Establishing Process Baseline
- Enumerative vs. Analytic Statistics.
- Process Variation (Deming's Red Bead)
- Benefits of Control Charts.
- Requirements vs. Control (Tampering)
- Control Chart as Process Baseline Tool
- Quiz
- MEASURE: X-Bar Charts
- Uses / Assumptions
- Video: Xbar Control Charts
- Construction & Calculations.
- Video: Xbar Charts in Mintab
- Video: Xbar Calculations
- Assumptions
- Rational Subgroups
- Sampling Considerations.
- Interpretation (including Run Test Rules)
- Video: Run Tests-1
- Video: Run Tests-2
- Video: Run Tests-3
- Video: Run Tests-4
- Quiz
- MEASURE: Individuals Data
- Uses, comparison with X-Bar chart
- Construction, calculations, assumptions, sampling considerations and interpretation:
- Run Charts
- Individual-X / Moving Range Charts
- Video: Individual-X Charts
- Moving Average Charts
- EWMA Charts.
- Quiz
- MEASURE: Process Capability
- Histograms Use and Misuse
- Probability Plots
- Goodness of Fit Tests
- Capability & Performance Indices (Relative to Process Control; Interpretation; Estimating Error)
- Video: Process Capability
- Quiz
- MEASURE: Attribute Charts
- Selection (P, U, Np, C Charts)
- Construction & Calculations
- Sampling Considerations
- Interpretation
- Video: Attribute Charts
- Quiz
- Analyze Stage Tools & Objectives
- Analyze Stage Objectives
- Definition of Waste
- Analyzing Process for NVA
- Cycle Efficiencies
- Lead Time and Velocity
- Takt Time
- Methods to Increase Velocity
- Standardization
- Optimization
- Spaghetti Diagrams
- Level Loading
- When are Batches More Efficient?
- Setup Reductions
- Quiz
- ANALYZE: Regression Analysis
- Cause & Effect Diagrams.
- Scatter Diagrams.
- Correlation, Stratification, Extrapolation
- Video: Scatter Diagrams
- Linear Regression Model
- Interpreting the ANOVA Table
- Video: Regression Analysis
- Confidence & Prediction Limits.
- Residuals Analysis.
- Overview of Multiple Regression Tools including Designed Experiments
- Quiz
- Improve Stage Tools and Objectives
- Improve Stage Objectives
- Tools to Prioritize Improvement Opportunities
- Defining New Process Flow
- Lean Tools to reduce NVA and Achieve Flow
- 5S
- Level Loading
- Tools to Define & Mitigate Failure Modes
- Preventing Failures
- Reference to Tools for Defining New Process Levels
- Quiz
- Control Stage Tools & Objectives
- Control Stage Objectives
- Methods of Control
- Control Plans
- Training
- Measuring Improvement
- Quiz
- Final Exam
Paul Keller, Quality America's President, has developed and implemented successful Six Sigma and Quality Improvement programs in service and manufacturing environments. Paul has been with Quality America since 1992, where he has:
- Developed and managed systems for overall operations, including quality improvement, product development, partner relations, marketing, sales, order fulfillment and technical support.
- Provided statistical expertise to our customers, as well as internal Software Development, Sales and Technical Support teams.
- Developed and facilitated Six Sigma related courses, including Quality Management, Statistical Process Control (SPC), and Designed Experiments, to hundreds of our companies in a wide variety of industries including Roche Pharmaceuticals, Core3 Inc. Business Process Outsourcing, US Army, MacDermid Printing Solutions, Boeing Satellite, Dow Corning, Antec, Pfizer, Warner Lambert, and many others.
Paul has authored a number of well-received publications, including:
- Six Sigma Handbook: Fourth Edition (New York: McGraw Hill, 2013) and Six Sigma Handbook: Third Edition (New York: McGraw Hill,2009). Paul wrote all the new material for these editions, edited the earlier material, and authored a series of instructional videos for McGraw-Hill's Access Engineering online program. (These videos are also included in our online training). This text has sold over 100,000 copies, a true best-seller in the market!
- Handbook for Quality Management, Second Edition: A Complete Guide to Organizational Excellence (New York: McGraw Hill, 2012) Paul wrote all the new material for this edition, and edited the earlier material.
- SPC Demystified (New York: McGraw Hill, 2011).
- Six Sigma Demystified: Second Edition (New York: McGraw Hill, 2010) and Six Sigma Demystified (New York: McGraw Hill, 2005). Over 50,000 copies.
- Manufacturing Handbook of Best Practices (Boca Raton: St. Lucie Press, 2002) Contributing Author.
- Six Sigma Deployment (Tucson: QA Publishing, 2001).
- Six Sigma Study Guide (Tucson: QA Publishing, 2001) Co-author.
- Handbook for Quality Technicians and Mechanical Inspectors (Tucson: QA Publishing, 2000) Contributing Author.
- Handbook for Quality Management (Tucson: QA Publishing, 2000) Contributing Author.
- Numerous articles in professional trade magazines,conference proceedings, and Quality America's Knowledge Center (1992-present).
Before launching Quality America's training services in 1992, Paul specialized in Quality Engineering in the Masters Program at the University of Arizona. He applied these techniques as a Quality Manager for a consumer goods manufacturer (1990-1992), and an SPC Director at an industrial products manufacturer (1987-1990). In these roles, he developed company-wide Quality Systems to meet the demands of a diverse customer base, including the automotive and aerospace industries.
Paul may be reached via e-mail at [email protected]
Since 1982: the art and science to improve your bottom line.
Quality America offers Statistical Process Control software, as well as training materials for Lean Six Sigma, Quality Management and SPC. We embrace a customer-driven approach, and lead in many software innovations, continually seeking ways to provide our customers with the best and most affordable solutions. Quality America has provided SPC software and lean six sigma training products and services to tens of thousands of companies around the globe.