Avid Pro Tools 310P: Advanced Post Production Techniques
This course focuses on the advanced operation of Pro Tools in a professional post production environment. It includes technical insights into both Pro Tools hardware and software.
Who Should Attend?This course is designed for end-users with intermediate Pro Tools post-production skills who want to gain the highest level if technical and operational Pro Tools knowledge.
Course ObjectivesAt the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Configure Pro Tools|HD systems for Post Audio
- Troubleshoot Pro Tools|HD systems in the Post environment
- Synchronize Pro Tools|HD with Linear Video
- Efficiently control Pro Tools via a surface and through key commands
- Execute Post production recording techniques
- Execute Editing workflows
- Design sound effects using plug-ins
- Implement advanced routing and mixing techniques
- Use fundamental mixing architectures & techniques in post production
- Mix with Satellite Link
- Use advanced layback techniques
- Practical working knowledge of Mac OS X
- Avid Pro Tools 101: Introduction to Pro Tools class or equivalent experience
- Avid Pro Tools 110: Essentials of Pro Tools class or equivalent experience
- Avid Pro Tools 201: Pro Tools Production Essentials class or equivalent experience
- Avid Pro Tools 210P: Post Production Techniques class or equivalent experience
- Prior to taking the Pro Tools Music Expert certification exam, students must have successfully completed the above 200-series courses and acquired Avid Pro Tools Music Operator certification.
Lesson 1: Pro Tools HD Hardware Configuration
- Setting Up a Pro Tools HD System
- Configuring Avid Peripherals
- Audio Interface Calibration
- Verifying Installation of Additional Pro Tools Software Options
- Operating System Optimization
- Non-Administrator (Standard) Accounts
- Pro Tools Session File Interchange
Lesson 2: Troubleshooting a Pro Tools System
- Using DigiTest to Identify Hardware Problems
- Updating Avid Firmware
- Deleting Pro Tools Setting Files
- Deleting Database Files
- Understanding Voice Allocations
- Playback Engine Advanced Options
- Advanced Pro Tools I/O Setup
- Audio and Video Pull Options
Lesson 3: Synchronizing Pro Tools with Linear Video
- Configuring the Hardware and Software for Linear Video Sync
- Clock Versus Positional Reference
- Setting Frame Rates
- Setting the Session Start Time
- Preparing for Online Recording
- 9-Pin Control of Pro Tools
- Using Pro Tools 9-Pin Serial Machine Control
- Machine Control Shortcuts
- Machine Control Error Messages
- Recording Slaved to and External Timecode Source
- Spot Mode in Post Production
- Working with Time Stamps
- Generating a Timecode Window Burn
Lesson 4: Tactile Control of Pro Tools
- Parts of the Keyboard
- Modifier Keys
Lesson 5: Post Production Recording Techniques
- Third Part Support for Avid PRE Communications Protocol
- Controlling PRE from Pro Tools
- Recording Foley
- Recording Foley Using MIDI
Lesson 6: Editing Workflows
- Examples of Post Production Editing Workflows
- Sound Library Searching and Management
- Sound Effects Creation and Design Using Plug-ins
- Sound Effects Creation and Design Using Elastic Audio
- Pro Tools Advanced Editing Shortcuts
- Grouped Playlist Synchronization
Lesson 7: Pro Tools HD/HDX Mixing Concepts
- Bit Depth, Dynamic Range, and Dither
- Comparing Different Pro Tools Mix Engines
- Fixed-Point Versus Floating-Point Processing Overview
- Comparing Pro Tools|HD Versus HDX Versus Native Mixers
- Common Mixing Errors When Moving from Pro Tools Host-Based to Pro Tools|HD
- DSP-Based Mixers and DSP Usage
- Dither
- The Pro Tools HD Mixer
- Looking in More Detail: An Audio Signal's Tale
- Appropriate Use of Native Plug-Ins
Lesson 8: Advanced Mixing Techniques
- Common Mixing Preferences
- Advanced Delay Compensation
- Mix Bus Techniques
- Master Faders Versus VCA Masters
- VCA Master Automation
- Latch Prime
- Writing Static Automation Mixer Settings
- Capture Mode and Punch Capture
- AutoJoin Mode
- Miscellaneous Automation Techniques
- Automation Workflows
Lesson 9: Mixing Using Satellite Link
- Large-Scale Mixing Techniques Using Satellite Link
- Pro Tools HD Satellite Link Mixing Scenario
- Configuring the Satellite Link Network
- Satellite Linking Preferences
Lesson 10: Advanced Layback
- Project Offset Options
- Linear Layback Workflow
- Speed Corrections
- Creating Printmaster Stems Using Pro Tools 9-Pin Remote Deck Emulation
- Creating a Machine Track Arming Profile
- Using Satellite Link with Machine Control
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