Why Should You Attend:
In their guidance on Data Integrity, all regulators emphasize a risk-based approach to ensure that effort is focused on the greatest risks. This approach should help companies to achieve compliance with regulators’ expectations without committing a disproportionate amount of human or financial resource. This webinar will explain to attendees why data integrity is so important and spell out some of the common honest mistakes that could lead to regulatory enforcement action. The risk-based approach recommended by regulators is also explained in detail.
Enhancing global compliance, creating a world where quality and compliance professionals, regulators, and government agencies come together to help the world comply with the intent and the spirit of laws, policies and mandates, ensuring continuous improvement in global operations, quality & safety.
Making sure that we are responsible corporate citizens helping our constituents build a more responsible enterprise, one which operates with high quality , under a code of ethics, and with process discipline to ensure greater shareholder returns.
Keeping things simple and straight forward , so that we all can indeed improve the quality of our processes, our work, our businesses and enhance compliance globally.
Being inclusive, giving the process experts ( & novices! ), compliance professionals, quality champions, and regulatory agencies a voice so that all of us can contribute and make a difference.