Hadoop Training | Big Data Hadoop Certification
An online Hadoop tutorial designed by Hadoop experts provide you the knowledge and skills in the field of Big Data and Hadoop and train you to become a successful Hadoop Developer. ZaranTech’s Big Data Hadoop online training is the first of its kind providing the best-in-class online Hadoop tutorial and is ideal for all aspiring professionals who wants to make their career in Big Data Analytics using Hadoop Framework and master all the concepts. Towards the end of the Hadoop course, you will be working on assignments, live case studies, Hadoop interview questions and Big Data Hadoop Certification sample test.
What makes your course unique?
Role-specific training instead of Product-based training – We are the leaders in providing Role-Specific training and e-learning solutions for individuals and corporations.
Longer Course Duration – We provide students with more detailed training with Assignments based on the real-time scenarios.
We offer Training Blogs using Google Site – The Training Blogs are a common platform for both the trainer as well as the trainees to interact with, discuss queries with the trainers, upload assignments and referring assignments.
We provide study materials using Google Drive –We provide access to a Repository of materials for training using Google Drive Cloud.
Never miss a session – We video record every online training sessions and post the Video recording on the training Blog after the session.
Highly Qualified and Well Experienced Trainers – Our Trainers are highly qualified and are well experienced in their respective domains. We have trainers from USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore and many other countries.
Certification Assistance – During and at the end of training, the Sr. trainer will provide Certification questions and answers to help you clear the Certification.
Career Counseling – If you are New to IT and want career counseling to help you decide which stream to go into, please click the link,http://www.zarantech.com/free-career-counseling/ and fill out the Career Counseling form and one of our counselors will get in touch.
Placement Assistance – Our “After the training” team can also help you with Resume preparation guidance, Interviews questions and Mock interviews after your training is complete.
Training Materials: All attendees will receive,
Assignments, Quizzes and Video Recordings of every Session
Instructor Student Guide
Real time POC
Access to the Training Blog & Repository of Materials through Google Drive Cloud.
Who Should Join the Training?Pre-Requisites:
This course is designed for anyone who is:
Wanting to architect a project using Hadoop and its Eco System components.
Wanting to develop Map Reduce programs
A Business Analyst or Data Warehousing person looking at alternative approach to data analysis and storage.
The participants should have at least basic knowledge of Java.
Any experience of Linux environment will be very helpful.
Course Package :
20 Instructor-Led live class
20 Video Recordings
All Powerpoint Presentation
10-14 Assignments and Quizzes
Student Guide and Instructor Guide
Big Data Hadoop Developer Certification materials and Certification Dumps
Project Based POC
Module -1
Introduction and Overview of Hadoop
What is Hadoop?
History of Hadoop.
Building Blocks – Hadoop Eco-System.
Who is behind Hadoop?
What Hadoop is good for and what it is not?
Module -2
Hadoop Distributed FileSystem (HDFS)
HDFS Overview and Architecture
HDFS Installation
HDFS Use Cases
Hadoop FileSystem Shell
FileSystem Java API
Hadoop Configuration
Module -3
HBase – The Hadoop Database
HBase Overview and Architecture
HBase Installation
HBase Shell
Java Client API
Java Administrative API
Scan Caching and Batching
Key Design
Table Design
Module -4
Testing types – Dynamic testing
White box and Black box Testing, Gray Box Testing.
Unit Testing, Integration Testing
System Testing Techniques
Usability Testing, Functional Testing and Non Functional testing.
Module -5
Map/Reduce 2.0/YARN
MapReduce 2.0 and YARN Overview
MapReduce 2.0 and YARN Architecture
YARN and MapReduce Command Line Tools
Developing MapReduce Jobs
Input and Output Formats
HDFS and HBase as Source and Sink
Job Configuration
Job Submission and Monitoring
Anatomy of Mappers, Reducers, Combiners and Partitioners/li>
Anatomy of Job Execution on YARN
Distributed Cache
Hadoop Streaming
Module -6
MapReduce Workflows
Decomposing Problems into MapReduce Workflow
Using Job Control
Oozie Introduction and Architecture
Oozie Installation
Developing, deploying, and Executing Oozie Workflows
Module -7
Pig Overview
Pig Latin
Developing Pig Scripts
Processing Big Data with Pig
Joining data-sets with Pig
Module -8
What is Bug?
Difference between Bug and Defect.
Format of Bug.
Priority and Severity
Different status of bug in Bug life cycle.
Bug Reporting tools JIRA/Bugzilla/Quality Center
Module -9
Hive Overview
Hive QL
Module -10
Integrating Hadoop into the Workflow
Relational Database Management Systems
Storage Systems
Importing Data from RDBMSs With Sqoop
Hands-on exercise
Importing Real-Time Data with Flume
Accessing HDFS Using FuseDFS and Hoop
Module -11
Delving Deeper Into the Hadoop API
More about ToolRunner
Testing with MRUnit
Reducing Intermediate Data With Combiners
The configure and close methods for Map/Reduce Setup and Teardown
Writing Partitioners for Better Load Balancing
Hands-On Exercise
Directly Accessing HDFS
Using the Distributed Cache
Hands-On Exercise
Module -12
Common MapReduce Algorithms
Sorting and Searching
Machine Learning With Mahout
Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency
Word Co-Occurrence
Hands-On Exercise
Module -13
Using Hive and Pig
Hive Basics
Pig Basics
Hands-on exercise
Module -14
Practical Development Tips and Techniques
Debugging MapReduce Code
Using LocalJobRunner Mode For Easier Debugging
Retrieving Job Information with Counters
Splittable File Formats
Determining the Optimal Number of Reducers
Map-Only MapReduce Jobs
Module -15
More Advanced MapReduce Programming
Custom Writables and WritableComparables
Saving Binary Data using SequenceFiles and Avro Files
Creating InputFormats and OutputFormats
Hands-On Exercise
Module -16
Joining Data Sets in MapReduce
Map-Side Joins
The Secondary Sort
Reduce-Side Joins
Graph Manipulation in Hadoop
Introduction to graph techniques
Representing graphs in Hadoop
Implementing a sample algorithm: Single Source Shortest Path
Creating Workflows with Oozie
The Motivation for Oozie
Oozie’s Workflow Definition Format
18 years in to IT Training and Consulting in areas of Java, Enterprise J2EE with last 6 years in to Hadoop Consulting, Training and assisting organizations like JPMC and Microsoft India Development Center in the inception, incubation and growth of Big Data innovations.
Have architected more than 10 Big Data life cycle implementation for Customer Churn Analysis, 360 Degree view of the customer and other big data solutions for integrating existing enterprise assets with the Hadoop cluster for organizations.
Have mentored participants in Amdocs, Fidelity, Wells Fargo, TCS, HCL, Erricson, Verizon, CA, Accenture and other organizations in Hadoop with its eco-system components like Hive, Hbase, Pig and Sqoop.
Have delivered more than 200+ Big Data Trainings with a rating of 4.5+ in more than 90% of the training.
Special Offer
Or call:515-966-4358
Training & Assignments
Analysis Research & Real-time venture Methodology
Self Analysis & Application Preparation
Model Interviews
Marketing & Placement