This class is for those that need Basic Adult CPR (Workplace, Families, Schools) The Current Heartsaver First Aid textbook IS NOT INCLUDED in the course cost. Participants must purchase or borrow the book prior to the class or at the door which will cost
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Our goal is simple: To create learning success stories in preparing students to recognize life threatening emergencies and promptly access emergency medical services.
Our commitment to the community is stronger than ever. We continue to add to the numbers of Southern California residents and businesses trained in the life saving skills of CPR. In the last year alone, Lifesaver CPR has provided CPR and First Aid training to thousands of residents and businesses. Participants learn to recognize life threatening emergencies; including heart attack, cardiac arrest, strokes and foreign body airway obstruction. They learn to promptly access emergency medical services, perform life saving skills of opening an airway, they are taught the steps to assure rescue breathing, effective chest compressions and early defibrillation with automated external defibrillators.